AI-powered design review & feedback
A free online screenshot editor animation tool.
A Canva like editor + API for image automation
From design to code in just 1 click
Create amazing mockups for your social media
Make a Twitter banner in seconds
Open Graph & Twitter image templates for Next.js
The most advanced Figma UI Kit & design system
A home for designers
Neutral programming typeface
Generate and export logo variations in seconds
27,000+ Beautiful icons for developers and designers
All-in-one collaboration tools for video and film creators
Build pixel perfect web apps 10x faster
Instant wireframes for your app to share your ideas
Get x10 more engagement, grab attention with animated videos
Emojify yourself with AI
Design feedback in 1 click
AI background generator
Build PRD's, wireframes & designs of any app within minutes
Gen-AI powered platform with a marketplace for 3D industry
Create tailwind loading skeletons from your current code
Generate mobile and desktop user interfaces with AI
Video creation for makers
Design your dream home in Figma
The ultimate all-in-one AI photo editor, for free
App store for AI image apps
Create interactive demos, guides & videos in minutes
Your friendly local icon library
The joyful productivity app
Create a mascot with the magic of AI
Beautify your screenshots instantly – no hassle, no installs